Ask the Ergonomist: How is NEXposture Different?

What makes NEXposture different from other ergonomic office suppliers? 

This is what we asked Marc Turina, certified professional ergonomist and licensed physical therapist. Below, he revealed the three things that set NEXposture apart from the rest:

  1. Eliminates unhealthy forward slumping postures.

  2. Provides the opportunity to constantly move and change postures.

  3. Offers healthful benefits of reclined sitting. 

Break Out of Your Slump

The invention of the typewriter in 1868 changed the business world as we know it. 

Unfortunately, since then, there has been little-to-no ergonomic intervention paid to the various unhealthy postures people assume while typing. 

Nowadays, most people assume a forward head, rounded shoulder (FHRS) posture while working on the computer – up to 8 hours per day.

Desktop technology users commonly – and often instinctively – sacrifice proper postures and back support for long periods of time. This is done in order to effectively view the computer screen and position the hands and fingers over the keyboard and mouse. 

However, a static, FHRS posture results in significant strain to the body. This posture, while common, increases both the weight placed on cervical muscles and compressive forces through the spinal discs. These stresses tend to lead to early wear, tear, degradation, and possibly surgeries.

If your eyes are too far away from the monitor, you’ll be unable to read the screen. Too close, and you’ll be forced to deal with eye strain. When it comes to effective positioning, the key is to find, “the sweet spot.”

Unhealthy Postures Contribute to Other Health Related Problems

Additionally, people with poor posture tend to establish poor breathing patterns. Shallow breathing is common when stressed, but isn’t meant to happen all the time. 

Stress-related illnesses, sleep problems, respiratory problems, immune system weakening, and high blood pressure are all symptoms of long term shallow breathing.

With NEXposture, users can position their desktop technology in a manner that allows people to move out of their forward slumping postures and into more comfortable and healthful postures. 

From upright to working recline, users can now maintain proper eye-to-monitor distance and hand-to-input device distance, no matter the posture.

2. The Benefits of Seated Movement

When people use the computer, they tend to sit in “frozen” positions for hours, forgetting to move. Sitting in an uncomfortable position while intensely concentrating increases “stress immobilization syndrome”, or tech stress. 

The combination of poor ergonomics, intense concentration, and lack of activity affects most of us, leading to several unhealthy consequences, such as:

  • frequent discomfort
  • chronic disorders such as arthritis
  • heart disease
  • diabetes
  • high blood pressure and obesity

Movement while seated is critical for a couple of reasons. When we remain in one position, a small number of muscles and ligaments support the back and become tired and strained. Therefore, movement transfers the support of the upper body to new muscles and ligaments, simultaneously allowing the strained ones to relax and recuperate.

Additionally, movement helps distribute nutrients in the spine. Disc hydration fluctuates naturally during the day. That is, over the course of the day/night cycle, humans lose up to 20% of the water out of our spinal discs. 

Therefore, it’s important to offload the spine, especially when sitting for extended periods of time.

NEXposture allows users the opportunity to constantly move and adjust from upright to working recline position while maintaining proper eye-to-monitor distance and hand-to-input device distance, no matter the posture. 

3. Reclined Postures: More Comfortable and Healthful

Most people have been told to “sit up straight” in their lives. However, this isn’t the proper posture people should assume while seated at their desks.

In 2006, Scottish and Canadian researchers used a form of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to better understand the strain sitting puts on your back. Their findings show that the best position in which to sit at your desk is reclined, at about 135 degrees, not upright.

sitting bad for backs, bbc news

Source: BBC News, Sitting straight “bad for backs”

The position of the pelvis determines the spine’s shape. With a forward slumping spinal posture, the pelvis is excessively posteriorly tilted compared to its natural curvature.

Like most postures, the position of the pelvis is foundational to the spine’s posture. The benefit of reclined postures is that it helps restore the natural curvature of the spine and remove pressure from disks and other soft tissue. 

Beyond the scientific advantages of reclined postures, the vast majority of people prefer to sit in a semi-reclined or reclined posture. This is especially evident when one is driving a car, having casual conversation or sitting in their favorite chair. 

Additionally, similar to movement while seated, reclined positions pumps nutrients into your intervertebral discs. This greatly reduces early on-set wear and tear and the development of chronic disorders. Additionally, reclined postures reduce the load on the lower back by as much as 25 percent.

With NEXposture, users can position their desktop technology in a manner that most effectively supports comfortable reclined postures. Now, users can maintain proper eye-to-monitor distance and hand-to-input device distance, no matter the posture.

Need a Change in Your Office Environment? 

“The innovative thing about NEXposture is it allows the user to recline back in their chair, and it moves the keyboard, mouse, and monitor towards them. So it allows them to assume a very relaxed, supported posture while using a computer.” 
- Marc Turina
Learn more about how NEXposture revolutionizes the desk and chair relationship and contact us today for more information.